~Some of our Green practices!~
– Tracks energy use
– Regularly measures and records energy use (at least 4 times a year)
– Towel reuse program
– Program includes housekeeper training and regular checks
– Linen reuse program
Recycles waste
– Recycles at least two types of waste, such as paper, glass, plastic and cardboard.
– Recycling bins in guest rooms
– Recycling sorted by staff
– Staff training on green practices
– Guests can learn about the property’s green practices before or during their stay
– At least 75% of interior lightbulbs are energy-efficient
-ENERGY STAR guest room appliances
-ENERGY STAR appliances are used in guest rooms
-ENERGY STAR kitchen appliances
-ENERGY STAR appliances are used in the kitchen
-ENERGY STAR laundry machines
-At least 75% of laundry machines are ENERGY STAR qualified
-ENERGY STAR qualified windows
-At least 50% of windows are ENERGY STAR qualified
– Efficient heating/air-conditioning system
– Efficient boilers, chillers, furnaces and/or heat pumps
Preventative maintenance plan
– Regular checks to ensure energy and water equipment is working efficiently
– Completed energy assessment of building
– Energy-saving lighting controls in staff areas
– Sensors automatically turn off lights when they’re not needed
– Sensors adjusts the temperature when a guest room is empty
– Tree shading to keep building cool
Waste Heat recovery
– Captured heat from machinery is re-used to heat building
– Water-efficient faucets in guest bathrooms
– Over 90% of guest room faucets use 1.5 gallons per minute or less
– Water-efficient showerheads in guest bathrooms
– Over 90% of guest room showerheads use 2 gallons per minute or less
– Water-efficient toilets in guest bathrooms
– Over 90% of guest room toilets use 1.28 gallons per flush or less
– Water-efficient faucets in public restrooms
– Over 90% of staff and public faucets use 1.5 gallons per minute or less
– Water-efficient toilets in public restrooms
– Over 90% of staff and public toilets use 1.28 gallons per flush or less
– Uses alternative water sources for watering gardens
– Non-toxic pest control
– Integrated pest management uses non toxic methods (e.g. traps, baits, gels) to control pests
– Landscaping is maintained with minimal use of herbicides, pesticides, and other chemicals
– Local plants in garden
– At least 75% of landscaping has plants native to the region
– Gardens and ponds designed to minimize flooding
– Designed to collect rainwater and let it slowly be absorbed into the ground
– Rainwater collected to minimize flooding